As I recently discovered what this means is that you can (and should) use ® instead of ™ after the name in question. So now it's TalentOyster ®
Pretty cool huh? I think so. It's kind of another sign that we've "arrived" I think. When you start a new business, even with the infrastucture of an existing business supporting you, and you have success with that business there comes a point where it becomes "real". I think anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit will appreciate that but if that's not you it's a sense of of pride in building something from the ground up.
This is just one of those little moments, a reminder of how far we have come over the past 18 months. There is still lots of work to do, improvements to make, conversations to have and roles to fill, but it feels today that we're one step closer to making TalentOyster into what we envision it to be. And that's a feeling that seemed worth sharing.