One question we hear from time-to-time is "If diversity is such an important issue why are you guys not a not-for-profit?" and the quick response to that is that diversity recruiting isn't a charity.
Okay. So what does that mean?
Well let's first acknowledge that there are many not-for-profits and governmental organizations that do fine front-line work with those who need it the most. Ranging from language training to mentorship programs to helping with culture shock these organizations do good work with new immigrants to Canada.
For one thing diversity recruiting isn't just about new immigrants! For multi-cultural candidates diverse candidates can be found in the second and third generation of immigrant families. These are people who speak English natively, are used to the culture of Canada and in every way fully qualified and experienced candidates, who also rely on media in their own language for information and news. And all of this is just looking at visible-minority candidates who of course are only part of the diversity spectrum.
More than this is that organizationally we are committed to bringing change to the way that cultural groups are viewed and worked with across Canada.
We believe that a diverse society and by extension diverse workplace is a win for everyone. We believe that diversity gives both individual companies and our society as a whole strength. We believe that we can affect real change in both the workplace and general society when it comes to embracing diversity. And with all of this we also believe that in order to effectively affect change we need to be action leaders.
We believe that by providing real, cost-effective solutions to real, current problems that companies are facing we effect real change. Our candidates aren't people looking for special treatment, but people that companies have simply missed.
All in all the work that not-for-profits do is good, and we are actively partnering with a select number of them to help spread the word about the services they offer to those who need them. But diversity recruiting isn't about charity, it's about finding good candidates.