Every fisherman has a favourite spot where they always land the big one. But it’s hard to keep something like that secret for long. Soon everyone with a rod and a reel is crowding around to try their luck. Now there hundreds of anglers all trying to hook the same few fish. So what can you do? You can get shiner lures, tastier worms and hooks that look like food, but once that starts working every other angler is going to follow suit and you’ve lost your advantage. Now, what if there was another fishing hole, stocked to the brim with fish just as big, just as juicy and just as trophy-worthy as the last pool, only no one was using it? You’d be crazy not to grab your bait and tackle and go cast out your line. So why is it when it comes to finding the best employees people always look in the same pool as everyone else.
Talent Oyster is about getting employers to that Hidden Talent Pool. Our site specializes in finding the right candidates in the places where employers don’t often look - among Canada’s diverse population of immigrants, minorities, aboriginals and women. These are people with the skills and smarts to make any company shine.
So, would you rather fight with the crowds for a chance to land one of the few big fish in an well used pond, or have the fish fight to be caught by you?
The Competitive Advantage of Diversity Recruiting
13 years ago
Idea of talent pool is very successful and hence gaining importance and popularity very quickly all around the world.This kind of platform is very advantageous and prosperous for fresher candidates who are in search of high profile job.This training will help them in brushing up their knowledge with the skills they have so that they can apply their skill for the growth of the company.